The Fuel that Powers Effective Leadership

Great leaders may be found at the top of a mountain looking back upon their challenges, but the greatest leaders are often found at the foot of that mountain still helping others reach the summit.

Robert Clancy

My 39-year-old sister was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer.  As you might imagine, this is an emotional time for our whole family.  I spoke to her just after the diagnosis, and she shared a very powerful, very intimate part of her and her husband’s experience. She told me that in the minute when the doctor is giving you the news that will completely change your life and your focus, all of the trivial cares and conflicts that occupy our attention just fade away and there is one thing left … love.

This shared wisdom was more than just an experience.  I found myself wanting to be better, wanting to align with her in the way she was looking at the situation.  The pull was natural, effortless on her part and maybe not even intended or known.  There was no need to convince me to follow, no trying to tell me that what I was feeling, thinking or saying was wrong or even right.  It was a feeling of alignment. I wanted to let go of my trivial cares and worries and be left with that same feeling of love and for a few emotional minutes, I did.  The funny thing is, I was calling to give her encouragement, support and everything that a good brother “should” do; but the result was she provided for me those same characteristics and more. To her, I am grateful.

Effective leadership influences the world to be better, do more; it provides a lasting influence of integrity and virtue, allowing lives to change, move forward and become more of what they were meant to be, authentic. Often this type of leadership is unintended, at least the results are unintended. Love is the fuel that powers effective leadership.  In this context love is an alignment with and acceptance of the current situation and everything about it, a oneness. 
Take a moment to think about your favorite boss, or someone who has had great influence on your life. My guess is that they accepted you for who you are and probably saw your potential even when maybe you didn’t.  This acceptance likely allowed you to flourish, align with and express your potential.  These situations are empowering, can provide great satisfaction and are contagious to others.

Some might challenge the notion that love is the fuel of effective leadership by saying, come on – if it’s just alignment and seeing the potential in others, accepting them for who they are, then how does anything get done in an organization, where is the direction?  I am not discounting the need or power of vision or direction, only pointing out that effective leadership shows, influences, develops and opens those around them to be at their best. No matter how many times it is tried, criticism, ego driven comments, attempting to boost one’s self-image at the expense of another will never lead to the same powerful, sustainable results that love or alignment will bring.  When everything else is recognized as trivial, the only thing left is love

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