Do you want more info on transformational coaching?
Transformational coaching is about building lasting change in an individual. This type of change comes through discovery and building awareness which leads to choice, choice to change a previously unconscious thought or belief that has been shaping their life in a way they didn’t intend. The choice is where empowerment happens, it gives individuals the opportunity to change their thoughts which change the results they experience and opens up new possibility to break old cycles and patterns so they can achieve their potential and fulfill their dreams.
Is this possible?
Stephen R. Covey taught “All things are created twice, there’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.”
We all hold the power to change our thoughts which change our actions and alter our results, coaching enables this process by shining light on ideas and beliefs that were previously unconscious and offering the choice to change.
Why is transformational coaching for me?
Do you ever set big goals, only to forget about them or find that your life is too overwhelming the with everything you have to do? Or maybe you are stuck in the same old patterns and feel you just can’t catch a break. Do you see or feel that you have more to offer, but aren’t sure how to make it happen for you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, transformational coaching can provide a lot of benefit for your life!
What is a breakthrough session?
A breakthrough session is an intensive process where we dive deep to discover how your mind has been conditioned to bring you to where are are right now at this time. We spend between 6-8 hours over two days releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back!
With all of that baggage gone you will be able to see clearly the direction you want to take that area of your life! I work with you to set a clear new direction and then we use the SMART goal process to set your focus and intention to be what you want.
Do you offer ongoing coaching services?
Yes! This is where the rubber hits the road. We coach with a 6 or a 12 month contract to help you achieve the new direction you have set for your life. Accountability the right way is key to success in life and successful coaching. The breakthrough session lets us hit the ground running in whatever area of your life you are working on. Whether you want to 3x or 10x your business/career or create momentum in another are of your life, all of this can be supported by sound coaching.
What sets you apart from other coaches?
I can’t speak to how other coaches show up or what their skill set is without having an experience with them. What I can tell you is how I approach the services I offer.
I love coaching and people development! I have been studying and practicing for what I do my whole life without knowing it until the last decade. I discovered coaching as a profession in my MBA program when I took the coaching for performance option class. Then I found an International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited coaching program to become a certified professional coach. One of the game changers for me was being introduced to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and all of the mindset changing tools it has to offer including the breakthrough session. These concepts and principles not only provide a huge impact in the lives and businesses of the clients I work with, they have also changed and enhanced my own life in a powerful way.
I approach each coaching session with an intention to see the client as they really are: powerful, resourceful, successful, beautiful, creative and many other attributes. I hold this space for them to learn and grow and celebrate their life and their potential and consider it a huge honor to be a part of this process!